Poisonous plant species and grazing animals Jan. 2, 2025
On the Piemonte Region website, the Fact sheets on poisonous plant species created as part of the project "Accidental poisonings from toxic plants in domestic animals"
On the Piemonte Region website, the Fact sheets on poisonous plant species created as part of the project "Accidental poisonings from toxic plants in domestic animals"
The best weapon against livestock poisonings comes from the precise knowledge of plants and early detection. A project involving ASL TO3, Ipla, the Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Piedmont, Liguria, and Valle d'Aosta, and the Parco Alpi Cozie with the aim of developing a new diagnostic test methodology to identify toxic plants.
Friday, February 21 at 9 PM in Gravere, at Salone Sicheri, thematic meeting Alpine Landscape and High-Altitude Flora, to discover the wonderful high mountain flora of our Alps.
Wednesday, January 29, 2025, at 9 PM in San Giorio di Susa in the council chamber, second appointment of the series BioLenta Resistance: Alpine Landscape and High-Altitude Flora, to discover the wonderful flora of the high mountains of our Alps. with park rangers Debora Barolin and Guido Teppa.
Guided tour in the special conservation area "Champlas - Colle Sestriere" to discover the evolution of the territory with the Alpi Cozie Parks Guide, Marion Vaglio Tessitore. Meeting at 9:30 am at Champlas Janvier (Sestriere).
Thematic meeting "The Biodiversity of the Cozie Alps and How to Protect It," organized by park ranger Davide Giuliano, to discover and cherish the rich biodiversity that surrounds us.
Guided tour in the special conservation area "Champlas - Colle Sestriere" to discover the evolution of the territory with the Alpi Cozie Parks Guide, Marion Vaglio Tessitore. Meeting at 9:30 am at Champlas Janvier (Sestriere).
Guided tour in the special conservation area "Champlas - Colle Sestriere" to discover the evolution of the territory with the Alpi Cozie Parks Guide, Marion Vaglio Tessitore. Meeting at 9:30 am at Champlas Janvier (Sestriere).
It is a perennial herbaceous plant 20-40 cm tall. It has an underground stem and a leafless one that emerges from the ground. The leaves are heart-shaped with lobes and denticles. The flowers are hermaphroditic and grouped in an umbel. The fruit is a capsule with 30-40 seeds.
The European Beech (Fagus sylvatica) is a deciduous broadleaf tree that can reach considerable sizes; its bark is grey, smooth, and compact; the leaves are elliptical, with a crenate margin and a characteristic shiny appearance.
Genepì is a small plant that grows on scree and rocky areas at altitudes above 2300 meters, but it is also cultivated in the mountains on suitable terrains and positions, for the production of herbal teas and liquors.
Wild narcissus dots alpine meadows with its tufts of highly fragrant flowers featuring white petals and yellow corona.
The 1992 calendar is dedicated to six itineraries that wind through the valleys of the Orsiera-Rocciavré Park.
The 1993 calendar is dedicated to the flora in the Orsiera Rocciavré natural park and in the Chianocco's holm oak Reserve
The 2004 calendar of the Orsiera Rocciavré Park and Reserves of the Orridi di Chianocco e Foresto tells the succession of seasons within the Park.
The 2011 calendar of the Orsiera Rocciavrè Nature Park and the Reserves of the Chianocco and Foresto Orrido is a tribute to the beauties of the Park.
Descrizione della Via dei Pellegrini, itinerario costruito rispondendo alle domande sul territorio introdotte nel primo capitolo con il dialogo tra due personaggi inventati: un Guida che risponde alla domande di un Pellegrino.
I temi principali sono approfonditi singolarmente nei capitoli seguenti e nel percorso fotografico.
Il Rio Rocciamelone precipita a valle, passando dal deserto nivale a un ambiente mediterraneo tagliando il calcare in una profonda fessura, dove trovano rifugio piante e animali tipici di posti lontani, testimoni viventi di epoche in cui il clima ha modellato il paesaggio che vediamo ora, dove tracce di pellegrinaggio e incisioni rupestri risalenti al neolitico raccontano storie di antichi abitanti.
Gli itinerari descritti sono la scusa per trattare con diversi piani di lettura i segni sul territorio che sale intorno alle rupi di Foresto.
Il diario di quattro giornate di Dante Alpe, guardiaparco dell'Orsiera Rocciavrè e le sue foto per raccontare l'incedere delle stagioni sono un esempio da seguire per affinare l'attenzione su quanti e quali incontri possono succedersi in poche ore camminando nel parco.
Libro illustrato con acquerelli sul campo che descrivono il Parco Orsiera Rocciavrè e le Riserve di Chianocco e Foresto attraverso lo sguardo di Elio Giuliano, guardiaparco, osservatore e disegnatore che illustra flora, fauna, architettura e geologia, raccontando le vite che si intrecciano tra i sentieri e le creste del territorio su cui vigila.
One-day excursion among lakes and marshes to discover unusual animal and plant species: from the less loved to the "alien" ones
Excursion in the Gran Bosco di Salbertrand Park with a workshop to learn about the imposing trees that have been protected and the animals that have become their symbol.
A walk in the Val Troncea Natural Park to talk about wildlife, especially alpine fauna. How do animals and plants perceive the passing of the seasons? What resources does the territory offer them to survive in different times of the year? We will answer these and other questions through games and experiments.