Ultimo aggiornamento: July 2, 2024
In collaboration with the Piedmont Region, screening of VIncA has been carried out for 13 types of Projects, Interventions, and Activities (P/I/A) that, under certain conditions and only for certain Sites, obtained a positive impact assessment.
These P/I/A, identified as “pre-evaluated”, will only need to undergo verification for consistency between the proposal and the subject of the “pre-evaluation”, thus they will not be subject to the specific screening phase.
If the P/I/A falls into 1 of the 13 pre-evaluated categories, the proponent must complete the corresponding form and attach any technical design documentation to the following email address alpicozie@cert.ruparpiemonte.it indicating the subject as "Vinca prevalutazioni – project name”.
List of pre-evaluated P/I/As and their corresponding forms
Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance, restorations, conservative renovations, restructuring, and expansions of individual existing buildings (for photovoltaic and solar installations, see point 5): MODELS in format.pdf, format.odt, format.docx
Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of the following infrastructures: road networks, railways, aqueducts, sewers, power lines, telephone lines, gas pipelines, oil pipelines, forest roadways, paths and cycle paths, irrigation and industrial canals, fixed and mobile telephony facilities, for radiotelevisive issuance and ultra-wideband: MODELS in format.pdf, format.odt, format.docx
Fencing of lots adjacent to existing buildings or fences for livestock containment, including temporary structures: MODELS in format.pdf, format.odt, format.docx
Fencing of vegetable gardens and orchards: MODELS in format.pdf, format.odt, format.docx
Installation of photovoltaic, thermal, and thermodynamic systems on building roofs or on the ground within the perimeters of existing buildings: MODELS in format.pdf, format.odt, format.docx
Construction of silos, storage tanks: MODELS in format.pdf, format.odt, format.docx
New construction buildings or replacement buildings, not subject to executive urban planning tools, to be carried out within the perimeters of inhabited centers or nuclei defined or identified in compliance with current urban planning regulations: MODELS in format.pdf, format.odt, format.docx
Construction of buildings, structures, or fittings for ancillary use such as boxes, tool sheds, roofed areas, pools, water tanks, gas storage, or other services for domestic utilities, etc.: MODELS in format.pdf, format.odt, format.docx
Installation and maintenance of fittings or similar works, outside the ancillary areas of buildings (fencings, notice boards, didactic structures, hiking signs, benches, tables): MODELS in format.pdf, format.odt, format.docx
Events, competitions, fairs, and recreational, cultural, non-competitive sporting activities: MODELS in format.pdf, format.odt, format.docx
Non-competitive events on roads closed to motor vehicles and on hiking trails: MODELS in format.pdf, format.odt, format.docx
Installation of new mobile telephony antennas on existing buildings or in designated areas: MODELS in format.pdf, format.odt, format.docx
Construction of temporary works for underground research activities with a geognostic nature, excluding hydrocarbon research activities, as well as boreholes and temporary works for required geological and geotechnical analyses: MODELS in format.pdf, format.odt, format.docx
If one or more design characteristics are not met, proceed with a specific screening by completing the screening form included in the following section.
If the P/I/A does not fall within the 13 pre-evaluated types or does not meet their characteristics, the proponent must fill out the screening format (.pdf format, .odt format, .docx format) and attach the technical design documentation to the following address alpicozie@cert.ruparpiemonte.it indicating in the subject line "Vinca screening - project name".
To successfully complete the VIncA screening, without the need to proceed with appropriate VIncA (avoiding additional burden for the proponent and the competent Administration), the proponent must formally integrate the Obligatory Conditions in the proposed P/I/A at the time of application, taking responsibility for their full implementation.
The Obligatory Conditions are a list of instructions, design characteristics, or management of the P/I/A or the area in question, which primarily serve to guide the proponent in correctly developing the content of the P/I/A to nullify or minimize the risk of impacting species and habitats of a Site or the Site as a whole.
Compliance with the Obligatory Conditions is a necessary but not exhaustive requirement for the P/I/A impact screening to end positively without the need for an Appropriate Assessment.