Ultimo aggiornamento: July 29, 2024
As reported on the website of the Piedmont Region, the Incidence Assessment (VIncA) is the preventive administrative procedure that must be applied to any intervention, plan, or project that may have significant impacts on a site or proposed site of the Natura 2000 network, individually or collectively with other plans and projects, taking into account the conservation objectives of the site itself (pursuant to Directive 92/43/EEC "Habitats" and Legislative Decree 357/97).
This procedure applies to general or sectoral plans, projects, and interventions whose effects fall within Natura 2000 sites, in order to assess whether the planned interventions, individually or collectively with others, may have significant negative impacts on a Natura 2000 site, considering its conservation objectives.
In Piedmont, VIncA is governed by the Regional Law June 29, 2009, n.19 "Single text on the protection of natural areas and biodiversity" and the National Guidelines for the Incidence Assessment (VIncA) - Directive 92/43/EEC "Habitats" Article 6, paragraphs 3 and 4, adopted by the Piedmont Region with the Regional Government Decree 55-7222/2023/XI of July 12, 2023.
According to current regulations, the verification of applicability to VIncA is no longer possible. Therefore, all Plans, Programs, Projects, Interventions, or Activities (hereinafter referred to as P/P/P/I/A), including events and activities, that entirely or partially fall within a Natura 2000 site or could have indirect impacts on it must undergo the Incidence Assessment.
This process can be divided into three distinct levels:
Identification process of the potential implications of a P/P/P/I/A on a Natura 2000 site or multiple sites individually or collectively with other P/P/P/I/A and determination of the possible degree of significance of such impacts.
Identification of the impact of the plan or project on the integrity of the Site/Sites, individually or together with other P/P/P/Is, taking into account the structure and function of the Site/Sites, as well as its conservation objectives.
Questa fase viene attivata in caso di incidenza negativa, che permane nonostante le misure di mitigazione definite nella valutazione di incidenza appropriata (livello II), e dopo aver esaminato e valutato tutte le possibili soluzioni alternative del P/P/P/I/A, compresa l'opzione zero, qualora si sia in presenza di motivi imperativi di rilevante interesse pubblico opportunamente motivati e documentati (IROPI - Imperative Reasons Of Over Reeding Public Interest). In questo livello si valuta la sussistenza dei motivi imperativi di rilevante interesse pubblico, che consentirebbero in deroga ai disposti dell'articolo sei della direttiva habitat di realizzare comunque un P/P/P/I/A attuando però preliminarmente ogni necessaria misura di compensazione atta a garantire comunque gli obiettivi di conservazione dei siti e la coerenza della rete Natura 2000.
L'Ente ha illustrato contesto, procedure ed esempi durante incontri pubblici (gennaio 2024) di cui si forniscono le presentazioni:
- Nuove linee guida VincA CONTESTO (pdf)
- Nuove linee guida VincA PROCEDURE (pdf)
- Nuove linee guida VincA ESEMPI (pdf)
Per approfondimenti e riferimenti normativi: