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Reference Center "Ungulates"

Start Jan. 1, 2016

Duration --

The Reference Centers are the reference structures for issues related to the conservation of species protected by the European directives 92/43/EEC "Habitat" and 79/409/EEC "Birds"

They carry out activities of data collection, scientific research, coordination and organization at the regional system level of protected natural areas.

The reference center called "Ungulates" is established at the Management Authority for the PAs of the Cottian Alps in association with the Management Authority for the PAs of the Maritime Alps and the Management Authority for the PAs of the Sesia Valley.


open_in_new Atto di costituzione D.P.G.R. 24.03.2014 n. 2/R. Regolamento regionale recante: “Attuazione dell’articolo 33 della l.r. 29.06.2009 n. 19 relativo alla gestione faunistica all’interno delle aree protette”. Riconoscimento del Centro di referenza denominato “Ungulati” 25.5 KB