Home / Projects / LEMED-IBEX


Start April 1, 2017

Duration 3 years

Monitoring and management of the Alpine Ibex from Lake Geneva (Léman) to the Mediterranean

The Lemed IBEX project aims to improve the conservation of the ibex (Capra ibex) on the Alpine ridge between Italy and France, through shared management processes, such as the development of common monitoring protocols, genetic and health analyses, the definition and implementation of good species management practices, and the identification of suitable ecological corridors to ensure contact among the various subpopulations present in the study area. The project involves raising awareness and engaging socio-economic actors and local populations to mediate between conservation needs and the various uses of territorial resources.

The objectives of the LEMED-IBEX project are structured into 3 homogeneous groups of activities (work packages, WP):

  • WP 2. Communication and awareness
  • WP 3. Population status and conservation strategies
  • WP 4. Ecological corridors and management knowledge

WP 2. Communication and Awareness. It includes awareness and information activities aimed at different audiences, from tourists to students, from socio-economic actors operating in the area (livestock breeders, tourism operators, guides, and attendants) to sector specialists. Communication is carried out through videos, specific educational programs for schools, and websites of the entities participating in the project.

WP 3. Population status and conservation strategies. Encompasses actions to identify risk factors for species conservation. It involves assessing health risks and analyzing genetic variability, factors that - combined with anthropogenic disturbances in ibex habitats - can negatively impact population resilience. Some populations, especially those reintroduced from a few individuals, have very low growth rates with pathologies and higher mortality levels compared to other populations. Analyses are conducted on biological samples collected from animals through non-invasive techniques. Starting from the data and monitoring methods currently used, the goal is to define a common monitoring method to be used among partners.

WP 4. Ecological corridors and management knowledge. Aims to identify and ensure the protection of potential ecological corridors that can allow species mobility to promote genetic exchange among subpopulations and the recolonization of more suitable territories. About 90 ibex specimens will be equipped with GPS collars to monitor their movements in the transboundary Alpine region, facilitating the evaluation of interconnection between populations. Spatial data acquired will be used to create an updated map of distribution and territories most suitable for species mobility.

In the protected area managed by the Ente Alpi Cozie, WP3 and WP4 actions will affect the population nuclei that have been reintroduced in the Val Troncea Natural Park and the Orsiera Rocciavrè Natural Park, in addition to the population nucleus in the Susa Valley near Rocciamelone.

During the project development, we managed a capture program using remote sedation of ibex, involving marking and fitting them with GPS collars. Between summer 2018 and spring 2019, a team of park rangers accompanied by a veterinarian captured 16 animals within the Cozie Alps Parks and in the community interest sites under their jurisdiction, and constantly monitored them using satellite technology from the radio collars.

The 2019 calendar of the Alpi Cozie Parks is dedicated to the LEMED-ibex project. You can download it in PDF format in the publications section.

Within the project, the educational proposal Ibex, where are you going? Genetics, GPS, and climate change has been developed and can be requested from the Entity.

The project led to the creation of an animated cartoon and several documentary videos of the activities:

Contact people

Scientific reference: Luca Maurino - email: maurino@alpicozie.eu

Project coordination: Bruno Aimone - email: aimone@alpicozie.eu


The Alcotra Lemed-Ibex project involves:


Pragelato - Stories of Ibex in Piedmont - Conference of October 20, 2017





open_in_new Convention (591.382 Kb) Attachment to Council resolution no. 4 of February 4, 2016 577.5 KB
open_in_new Council Resolution No. 4 of February 4, 2016 (131,531 Kb) Approval of the monitoring and management project for the ibex from Lake Geneva (Léman) to the Mediterranean (LEMED-IBEX) submitted to the call for proposals of the Italy-France ALCOTRA cross-border cooperation program 2014-2020. 128.4 KB
open_in_new Decree of the President No. 3 of 23 January 2017 (384.571 Kb) Re-determination of the economic framework of project no.1664 - LEMED-IBEX, monitoring and management of the ibex from Lake Geneva (LEMAN) to the Mediterranean. 375.6 KB
open_in_new Economic framework (521.23 Kb) Attachment to Presidential Decree No. 3 of January 23, 2017 509.0 KB
open_in_new Alpine ibex census 2018 (9408.069 Kb) Census of ibexes and updates on project 2018 by L. Maurino 9.0 MB
open_in_new The status of Alpine ibex in the Cottian Alps protected areas Alpine Ibex in the western Alps (748,121 Kb) Poster presented at the 24th conference of the GSE - Ibex Europe Group - Ecrins National Park on October 8-10. Results of the surveys carried out in all the protected areas (Parks and SCI) that make up our Agency. 730.6 KB
open_in_new Distribution of ibex in the Protected Areas of the Cottian Alps (1460.093 Kb) Distribution of the ibex 2018 in the protected areas of the Cottian Alps derived from the observations submitted on iNaturalist. 1.4 MB
open_in_new Project final meeting (5528.652 Kb) Abstract of the interventions - 11/12 September 2020, Valdieri/Entracque (CN) 5.3 MB
open_in_new Genetic characterization of Western Alps ibex populations Final Report - by Alice Brambilla Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies. University of Zurich. For further information, please contact: alicebrambilla1@gmail.com 10.2 MB
open_in_new Interaction between human activities and ibex in the western Alpine arc (4218,466 Kb) Contribution by Enrico Caprio, Susanne Jähnig, Raffaele Uliana, Luca Maurino, Dan Chamberlain - Valdieri dated September 22, 2020 4.0 MB
open_in_new The ibex Alcotra project 2017-2020 LeMed Ibex in the protected areas of the Cottian Alps (21004.61 Kb) Project presentation by Luca Maurino 20.0 MB
open_in_new Final Report of LEMED-IBEX Project (ITA) (7097.794 Kb) Spatial distribution model of ibexes in the western Alpine arc - Authors: Enrico Caprio, Susanne Jähnig, Raffaele Uliana, Dan Chamberlain - July 15, 2020 6.8 MB
open_in_new Project LEMED-IBEX - Final Report (FR) (7441.591 Kb) Spatial distribution model of ibex on the Western Alpine Arc - Authors: Enrico Caprio, Susanne Jähnig, Raffaele Uliana, Dan Chamberlain - July 15, 2020 7.1 MB
open_in_new Project LEMED-IBEX - 8th World Conference on Mountain Ungulates 2022 (1483.548 Kb) Project poster presented at the 8th World Conference on Mountain Ungulates held in Cogne (Aosta) from 27th to 30th September 2022 1.4 MB