From Tuesday, October 8, 2024, Provincial Road No. 173 of Colle dell'Assietta is closed to traffic from km 6+900, the beginning of the section under municipal jurisdiction Pragelato-Sestriere, until prog. Km 33+150, crossroad with S.C. Balboutet - Pian dell’Alpe locality. The passage of the remaining section is confirmed until October 31, 2024. Total winter closure from November 1.
Si intitola Ambiente, biodiversità, rapporto uomo-natura nelle terre alte del Pinerolese il ciclo di incontri autunnali organizzato dall’Associazione Culturale Valdese Ettore Serafino.
Reasons for a prohibition
In Piedmont, mushroom picking is regulated by Regional Law no. 24/2007, which, in summary, allows harvesting from dawn to dusk of a daily individual quantity not exceeding 3 kg for all those who are equipped with the appropriate permit. Geographical limitations apply within protected areas established in accordance with the current regional regulations and sites that are part of the Natura 2000 network identified by the respective managing bodies.
Si informano i fruitori del Parco naturale del Gran Bosco di Salbertrand che è aperto un lotto di taglio boschivo in particella forestale comunale che intercetta i tracciati dei sentieri n.5 (strada dei cannoni) e n.7.
The flood events of last September 5th that affected the watershed of the Gerardo river and all its tributaries, have seriously compromised the accessibility of the paths that, on the Valsusa side of the Orsiera Rocciavrè natural park, reach the Toesca Refuge (trail TOS510) and then continue towards the head of the same valley.
In the Protected Areas of the Cozie Alps, as in the entire Piedmont region, circulation with motor vehicles on off-road routes is forbidden according to Regional Law No. 32/1982. The ban, as stated, "also applies to mountain paths and mule tracks, as well as forest tracks and roads." This is Article 11 inserted, not by chance, in the text entitled "Rules for the conservation of the natural heritage and environmental structure" because undoubtedly vehicular traffic has an impact on ecological balances. But what is meant by "off-road routes"? Essentially, everything that is not part of the state, regional, provincial, or municipal road network.
Con l’autunno arrivano le fiere, dove ogni abitante dei paesi della Valle di Susa da l’arrivederci all’estate. In quell’occasione, a Oulx si terrà il SABATO 5 OTTOBRE 2024 nell’AUDITORIUM dell’Istituto Superiore DES AMBROIS la 13° Giornata delle Minoranze Linguistiche Storiche Occitano, Francoprovenzale, Francese curata dall’Associazione Chambra d’Òc e la domenica, la 530° Edizione della Fiera Franca del Grand Escarton.
The second edition of the Alpi Cozie Golf Trophy, promoted by the Park Authority, ended with great success on Saturday, September 7th at the Le Fronde club in Avigliana.
Humans rarely associate the mating season with autumn. However, for deers, the mating period is concentrated in these months, followed by births in spring after the gestation period, and the phase of maximum growth and development of the cubs in the most favorable period, which is summer.
In Fenestrelle, the road "del Selleries" and the forest track "Malvicino" in the Orsiera Rocciavré Park remain closed to traffic