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Vultures Piedmont No. 9, information sheet
Imperfect adult with light plumage  \u000D\u000A03.09.2024, Novalesa, Cristiana Molin
event Feb. 5, 2025
Categories Research

The information sheet Avvoltoi Piemonte n.9 is online with reports and observations related to the second half of 2024. Happy reading!

Redevelopment of the Fontana della Gerpula Trail - Amprimo Refuge
A shot that witnesses the state of abandonment of the mule track between the Gerpula Fountain and the Amprimo Refuge.
event Feb. 4, 2025
Categories Territory

Grazie al lavoro congiunto dell’Ente di gestione delle aree protette delle Alpi Cozie e del Comune di Bussoleno per reperire gli assensi dei proprietari privati, si è avviata la fase finale di definizione del progetto “Interventi di riqualificazione sentiero da Fontana della Gerpula al Rifugio Amprimo – Comune di Bussoleno”.

Starting the new educational activities on the wolf
The Guides of the Cozie Alps Parks during the presentation of activities on the wolf.
event Jan. 29, 2025
Categories Teaching

The new educational activities on the theme of wolves, organized by the Protected Areas of the Cozie Alps and aimed at schools of all levels, are officially starting. After extensive preparation, experimentation, and scientific validation, in January, the results of the work were presented to the entire group of Guides of the Cozie Alps Parks, who are now ready to welcome the school groups.

Alberto Valfrè commissioner of the Alpi Cozie Parks
Alberto Valfrè
event Jan. 28, 2025
Categories Ente Parchi Alpi Cozie

On Thursday, January 23, 2025, the Regional Council of Piedmont decided to appoint a commissioner for the Management Entity of the Protected Areas of the Cottian Alps for the transition period necessary for the appointment of the new president. This is a necessary measure following the expiration of the Council and the President whose terms ended on January 22, 2025, and it concerns all regional park entities. For the Cottian Alps Parks, the appointed commissioner is Alberto Valfrè, already President of the Park Entity since 2022, who cannot remain in office for a period exceeding 6 months.

Progetto zecche: resoconto attività 2024
event Jan. 28, 2025
Categories Nature

È stato presentato nei giorni scorsi il resoconto delle attività svolte nel 2024 dal Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie dell'Università di Torino nell'ambito del progetto Distribuzione geografica di zecche ixodidae e di agenti patogeni emergenti trasmessi da zecche ixodidae e di agenti patogeni emergenti trasmessi da zecche in Valle di Susa.

February with the Chantar l'Uvèrn 2025 festival
Review Chantar l\u0027Uvèrn 2025: the symbol dedicated to minority languages
event Jan. 27, 2025
Categories Territory

The Sixteenth edition of "Chantar l'Uvèrn: from Epiphany to Easter, fragments of Occitan, Franco-Provençal and French language and culture" continues unceasingly, a rich cultural review that involves 33 municipalities in the valleys of Susa, Chisone, Sangone, and Germanasca, organized by the Parcs Alpi Cozie and the Chambra d’Oc Association.

Ecomusei in scena: il workshop annuale della Rete Ecomusei Piemonte
Ecomusei in scena \u002D 7 febbraio
event Jan. 23, 2025
Categories Events

Si svolgerà venerdì 7 febbraio il workshop annuale organizzato dalla Rete Ecomusei Piemonte per l’anno 2025 sul tema: Ecomusei e spettacolo dal vivo. presso Ecomuseo del Freidano, via Ariosto, 36 Bis - Settimo Torinese. L’evento sarà inoltre trasmesso in diretta sul canale YouTube della Rete Ecomusei Piemonte @ReteEcomuseiPiemonte.

Processionary caterpillar: some precautions to take in infested areas
Larve di processionaria in... processione
event Jan. 23, 2025
Categories Nature

The staff of the Alpi Cozie Parks has received several reports and requests from users concerned about the high presence of processionary caterpillars even within the protected areas managed by the Authority. This is an increasingly widespread problem due to dry and mild winters, which requires adaptation measures because the control strategies have proven ineffective.
The Ministerial Decree of October 30, 2007, which made the fight against the processionary caterpillar mandatory, was repealed by the Ministerial Decree of December 6, 2021. Consequently, the management interventions for the issue are entrusted to the municipalities where risks to human and domestic animal health occur.

A report on the administration 2019-2024
event Jan. 22, 2025
Categories Ente Parchi Alpi Cozie

Today, January 22, 2025, the term of the Council of the Protected Areas of the Cottian Alps, appointed by the Piedmont Region in 2019, has formally concluded. A five-year period rich in challenges and achievements thanks to the commitment of the councilors who have successfully guided the entity through particularly complex periods such as the pandemic and the changes in president and director, and a review is being drawn up.

Val Troncea: divieto di attività alpinistica in area di pregio naturalistico
Inverno in Val Troncea
event Jan. 21, 2025
Categories Territory

Nell'area di particolare pregio naturalistico del Parco naturale val Troncea è vietato effettuare qualunque attività alpinistica su roccia e ghiaccio, sci-alpinistica e di sci fuoripista.