Every Friday, throughout the summer of 2024, we will publish a selection of events, conferences, guided excursions, and exhibitions taking place in the following 10 days. A way to make the events calendar and the program of the Parks of the Cozie Alps more accessible, which this year is truly rich!
Even during the summer of 2024, the Protected Areas of the Cottian Alps collaborated with the Municipality of Avigliana and Cooperativo Orso in organizing CampingJo, the summer camp aimed at young people aged 14 to 17 interested in learning more about their municipality and actively engaging in civic volunteering.
The Franchi Trail is closed due to landslides and large fallen trees in the area of Exilles in the Sapè di Exilles - Coudisard - Clot Vacher section.
Regulation of road traffic on S.P. 172 in the locality of Serre Marie in the Municipality of Usseaux due to forestry batch cutting.
Spending a day outdoors with your dog is certainly a beautiful experience. However, introducing a pet into a protected area poses a problem for the natural balance that a Park Authority is required to defend. In all Italian national and regional parks, there are limitations aimed at finding a compromise between the needs of environmental conservation and those of dog owners who wish to bring their four-legged friends along. Let's see why.
From August 3 to September 1, 2024, the shuttle service on reservation will be available again in the Val Troncea Natural Park
On July 24, 2024, the 14th edition of the Sestriere Film Festival was presented at the National Mountain Museum in Turin. The festival will take place at Colle from August 3 to 11. Alberto Valfrè, president of the Protected Areas of the Cottian Alps, was present to announce a collateral event organized in collaboration with the Park Authority.
Si è svolto sabato 20 luglio, ospitato dall’Ecomuseo di Cascina Moglioni e Parco naturale Appennino Piemontese presso il Forte di Gavi (AL), il Workshop annuale della Rete Ecomusei del Piemonte (REP).
The team of Young Park Rangers on which the Protected Areas of the Cozie Alps can rely continues to grow. Indeed, the Young Ranger Week in the Natural Park of Val Troncea, organized and managed by the Park Authority with official guides Elena Bianco Chinto and Massimiliano Pons, concluded on Friday, July 19th.