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Reference center "Typical alpine fauna"

Start Jan. 1, 2016

Duration --

Reference centers are the structures of reference for issues related to the conservation of species protected by the European directives 92/43/EEC "Habitats" and 79/409/EEC "Birds".

They carry out data collection, scientific research, coordination, and organization at the regional system level of protected natural areas.

The Reference Center named "Typical Alpine Fauna" is established at the Management Authority of the protected areas of Ossola in association with the Management Authority of the protected areas of the Cozie Alps and with the Management Authority of the protected areas of Monviso.

Contact people

For Protected Areas Alpi Cozie: Maurino Luca - Official for Conservation and Biodiversity Management Area - maurino@alpicozie.eu


open_in_new Establishment decree Decree of the President of the Board that contains the recognition of the Reference Center "Typical Alpine Fauna." 25.3 KB
open_in_new Monitoring of game birds and heliskiing Guidelines for assessing the impact of heliskiing activities on the monitoring of alpine galliform species. 195.6 KB
open_in_new The white partridge in the Val Troncea Natural Park: conservation status and research perspectives Presentation by Luca Maurino and Domenico Rosselli (on the occasion of the conference at MUSE (Trento) on March 7, 2018. 8.1 MB
open_in_new Signs of presence of alpine galliforms Presentation of Luca Maurino. 3.2 MB
open_in_new Quality habitat for the hazel grouse Analysis of the quality of the reproductive habitats of the hazel grouse in Val Troncea. 2.9 MB
open_in_new National Management Plan for the Black Grouse (Lyrurus tetrix), May 2023 Edited by Franceso Riga and Alberto Sorace - ISPRA - BIO-CFS with the collaboration of: A. Agreiter, I. Artuso, E. Bassi, R. Bionda, M. Bocca, M.S. Calabrese, C. Chioso, T. Clementi, P. Demartin, A. Gagliardi, A. Lasagna, A. Martinoli, L. Maurino, C. Movalli, G. Pinoli, L. Pedrotti, G. Rivaben, D. Rosselli, S. Vendrami, E. Vettorazzo. 1.2 MB
open_in_new Activity report 2023 Reference Center "Typical Alpine Fauna" - Activity Report 2023 - by Radames Bionda – Management Authority of the Protected Areas of Ossola, Luca Maurino – Management Authority of the Protected Areas of the Cozie Alps, and Marco Rastelli – Management Authority of the Protected Areas of Monviso. 1.6 MB
open_in_new 2022 Activity Report Reference Center "Typical Alpine Fauna" - Activity Report 2022 - by Radames Bionda - Authority for the Management of Protected Areas of Ossola, Luca Maurino - Authority for the Management of Protected Areas of the Cozie Alps, and Marco Rastelli - Authority for the Management of Protected Areas of Monviso. 758.2 KB
open_in_new Census of Alpine Galliforms 2022 Mountain pheasant in the Val Troncea Natural Park, Orsiera Rocciavrè, and Gran Bosco di Salbertrand - Coturnix in the Val Troncea and Orsiera Rocciavrè Natural Park - White partridge in the Orsiera Rocciavrè Natural Park. 536.3 KB
open_in_new Activity report 2021 Reference Center "Typical Alpine Fauna" - Activity Report 2021 - by Radames Bionda - Managing Body of the Protected Areas of Ossola, Luca Maurino - Managing Body of the Protected Areas of the Cozie Alps, and Marco Rastelli - Managing Body of the Protected Areas of Monviso. 904.6 KB
open_in_new Monitoring Sestrieres spa Final report of the project - 2018. 19.1 MB
open_in_new Monitoring of alpine galliforms in the Cozie Alps 2018 Technical report on the counts of quail, white partridge, and wood pheasant Year 2018. 1.5 MB
open_in_new Monitoring of alpine galliforms in Val Troncea 2015 Technical report on the counts of quail, white partridge, and woodcock 2015. 3.8 MB
open_in_new Monitoring of alpine galliforms in Val Troncea 2014 Technical report on the counts of 3.8 MB
open_in_new Monitoring Alpine Galliformes Val Troncea 2013 Technical report on the counts of coturnix, white partridge, and capercaillie 2013. 4.0 MB
open_in_new Winter monitoring of alpine galliformes Preliminary report 2012-2013. 1.9 MB
open_in_new Analysis 2011 Analysis of the summer counts of the capercaillie (tetrao tetrix), 2011. 2.3 MB
open_in_new Analysis 2010 Analysis of the summer counts of the black grouse (tetrao tetrix), 2010. 1.6 MB