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Forests, state, community, and fortifications

Saturday 03 August 2024
Cover of the book by Bruno Usseglio \u0022Boschi, stato, comunità e fortificazioni\u0022

Cover of the book by Bruno Usseglio "Boschi, stato, comunità e fortificazioni"

On Saturday, August 3rd in Pragelato, at the headquarters of the Val Troncea Natural Park, Via della Pineta - Frazione La Ruà, at 9:00 PM, presentation of the new historical research by park ranger Bruno Usseglio dedicated to "Stories of territorial management, uses and abuses, and cunning in the upper Chisone valley from the 17th to the 19th century."

Participation in the event for the Alpi Cozie Parks Authority has educational value for naturalistic, medium mountain, and cycle-tourist guides, and grants a total of 2 APAC credits (specific activity).

The publication is edited by Alzani Editore

Free admission

For information:
Val Troncea Natural Park headquarters in Pragelato - tel. 0122.78849