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Calendar 2016

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The 2016 calendar of the Parks of the Cottian Alps is dedicated to the European project Life Xerograzing.

The Life Xero-grazing project aims to conserve and restore priority habitats 6210* "Semi-natural dry grassland formations and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates (Festuco-Brometalia) with stunning orchid bloom" and 6240* "Pannonic steppic grassland formations" within the representative area of the SCI "Xerothermic Oases of the Susa Valley - Chianocco and Foresto Gorge".

These habitats are of particular value due to their extension and richness in orchids and rare species, but are currently threatened by tree and shrub invasion and variations in floristic composition. The project aims to carry out conservation and restoration interventions of habitats, defining applicable management guidelines within the SCI "Xerothermic Oases" and other areas of the Natura 2000 Network.

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