If you think of the wolf, what comes to mind? Who is it, where does it live, what does it eat? Should we be afraid of it? We will learn to know the "real" wolf, we will be able to distinguish it from the animal present in stories and from the sensationalistic one evoked in newspapers.
What is the first adjective that comes to mind when you think of the wolf? Bad, good, cunning, hungry, aggressive, mysterious...? The presence of the wolf, real or imaginary, has always accompanied human beings. The course will explore the relationship between man and wolf over time and history, drawing on literary materials (classical literature, fiction, myths, and popular local and non-local legends) that will be provided to the class as a stimulus and starting point for a broader reflection.
The choice to dedicate a path to the landscape arises to highlight the similarities between wolves and humans and to analyze the environment that surrounds us in a more detailed way.
An increasingly anthropized Earth urgently requires us to reflect on the needs, critical issues, limits, and strategies necessary for sharing spaces with other living beings and utilizing the planet's resources. A path that will challenge our ability to engage in dialogue-listening.
Learn to orient yorself while playing.
An activity to explore the forest and orientation techniques, discover the basics of the sports discipline of orienteering, and experience a mini-competition in a natural environment, as well as to create cohesion among students in a class group.
Dalla foresta al riscaldamento: sostenibilità e buone pratiche.
Partendo da alcune riflessioni relative al significato di impronta ecologica cercheremo di individuare quelli che sono i consumi energetici necessari per il funzionamento della propria casa e delle attività quotidiane.
Il legno e l'uomo: tra passato e futuro la necessità di un uso consapevole.
Un percorso che racconterà la storia dell’uso del legno da parte dell’uomo dalla preistoria ai giorni nostri per comprendere l’importanza del muoversi con consapevolezza nell’utilizzo delle risorse della terra. Si scoprirà come il “governo” del bosco nelle comunità locali sia sempre stato momento di grande attenzione.
An activity to learn about the biology of a species symbolic of the Alps, also thanks to the technological innovations put in place by science, and reflect together on the climate changes that are undermining its conservation.