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Three-year plan for the prevention of corruption and transparency

Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan. 16, 2025

Integrated Activity and Organization Plan

The Integrated Activity and Organization Plan (PIAO), introduced by Article 6 of the decree-law of June 9, 2021, no. 80 (converted into law on August 6, 2021, no. 113), is published in this section. According to this provision, public administrations adopt a new planning every year which includes the Performance Plan, the Three-Year Plan for the Prevention of Corruption and Transparency, the Agile Working Plan, the Personnel Needs Plan, and the Training Plan.

The Council of the Entity, with Resolution no. 07 of 10/02/2023, has appointed Luca Marello as the new director of the Entity, effective from 01.03.2023, as the Transparency and Corruption Prevention Officer. Luca Marello is responsible for performing the tasks assigned by law (in particular by Article 1 of Law 190/2012 and Article 15 of Legislative Decree 39/2013) and by the aforementioned Plan.

With a resolution of the Board of Directors no. 07 of 02.02.2024, the Integrated Activity and Organization Plan 2024 was approved, pursuant to Article 6 of decree-law 9 June 2021, no. 80 and subsequent amendments.

The Plan published in this section has been integrated and shared with the observations of Trade Unions and workers' representatives.

Previously adopted Plans:

With a resolution of Board of Directors no. 04 of 07.02.2023, the Integrated Activity and Organization Plan 2023 was approved, in accordance with Article 6 of decree-law 9 June 2021, no. 80 and subsequent amendments.

With a resolution of the Board of Directors no. 39 of 23.09.2022, the Integrated Activity and Organization Plan 2022 was approved, in accordance with Article 6 of decree-law 9 June 2021, no. 80 and subsequent amendments.

TRIENNIO 2021-2023


TRIENNIO 2018-2020


TRIENNIO 2017-2019


TRIENNIO 2014-2016


Relazione annuale anticorruzione


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