Ultimo aggiornamento: May 29, 2024
The registered office of the organization is in Via Fransuà Fontan, 1 - 10050 Salbertrand (TO) - Tel. 0122.854720
Opening hours to the public: from Monday to Thursday, from 9.30 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 15.00 - on Friday from 9.30 to 12.00.
For official communications use PEC (Certified Electronic Mail): alpicozie@cert.ruparpiemonte.it
N.B. To be able to send communications easily and securely to the organisation's PEC mailbox, you must have your own certified email mailbox. We have the duty to respond via PEC to all communications received via PEC.
For institutional information: segreteria.alpicozie@ruparpiemonte.it
For tourist information: info.alpicozie@ruparpiemonte.it
For security reasons, the external area of the Salbertrand headquarters is under video surveillance Art. 13 GDPR regulation (EU) no. 2016/679
Via Monte Pirchiriano, 54 - 10051 Avigliana (TO)
Tel. 011.9313000 - 011.9341405 - 011.4326589
Via Massimo D'Azeglio, 16 - 10053 Bussoleno (TO)
Tel. 0122.47064 - 011.4321015
Via Nazionale, 2 Fraz. Mentoulles - 10060 Fenestrelle (TO)
Tel. 0121.83757
Via della Pineta, 5 Fraz. Ruà - 10060 Pragelato (TO)
Tel. 0122.78849