Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb. 29, 2024
In the Parks of the Cottian Alps, depending on the altitudes and blooms, different varieties of honey are produced.
The honey produced around the Avigliana lakes is typical of the entire foothill Alpine range. Spring honey is the result of the flowering of the wild cherry tree and the simultaneous flowering of the dandelion, with characteristic hints of hazelnut and pecorino rind. The acacia honey produced with the flowering of black locust is straw yellow, very sweet, with hints of vanilla. Linden honey has a balsamic bouquet; chestnut honey tends to be bitter, while multiflora honey contains both blooms as well as bramble honey: they are collected in June and July.
Starting from 1200 m. at this altitude rhododendron honey and wildflower honey from alpine flora are produced. Production is rather scarce due to the very variable climatic conditions at altitude and this justifies the generally much higher price of this honey.
In the Alte Valli honey has a centuries-old tradition, so much so that in Pragelato the same municipal banner depicts, among other elements, three bees. To testify to the importance of the precious nectar in the municipality of Val Chisone, in Soucheres Basses, in 1937, an experimental modern beekeeping station was inaugurated by the University of Turin.
It presents itself in a liquid state from colorless to light straw yellow, it tends to crystallize quickly already in autumn with a medium to fine grain and a white to light beige colour. The smell is very faint. The flavor is normally sweet, slightly fruity, not very persistent. Pure rhododendron is quite rare and defined rhododendron honeys often have a more intense aroma and scent than that described, due to the presence of other species such as raspberry or thyme.
It has shades of color ranging from yellow to amber yellow, reddish depending on the blooms contained. Crystallization occurs from late autumn to late winter, with colors ranging from yellow to dark amber. The smell ranges from delicate to pungent due to the presence of wild thyme, the aroma can be reminiscent of small fruit jam. This honey can present considerable variability from one year to the next, even if the beekeeper keeps the same location.
Il Miele Bio di Girba
Impresa Apistica - ref. Roberto Rossi
Borgata Girba, 5 - Avigliana (TO) - tel. 335 8190791
Apicoltura biologica Seba e Vale
Sede legale: Borgata Magnetto 3 - Almese
Laboratorio: Strada del Pascolo Alpignano - Piazzale Schumm - tel. 331 1987562
FB: Apicoltura Biologica Seba e Vale
ValsusaMiele Associazione apicoltori Valle di Susa
Sede legale Via Trattenero 15, 10053 Bussoleno (TO)
Presso Unione Montana Valle di Susa
Tel. 0122 38444 - Cell. 338 2061993
Azienda agricola Ametlier di Elisa Davì
Produzione di miele di castagno, millefiori, tiglio, acacia e flora alpina. Apicoltura di nomadismo in apiari siti in Susa, Chianocco, San Giorio e alta Valle Susa. Smielatura e confezionamento vasetti in laboratorio di proprietà sito in Susa.
Via Torino 26, 10053 Bussoleno (TO) - Tel. 338 7483116
Apicoltura “les Avies” di Miletto Federico
Via Aghetti 21 - Mattie (TO) - Tel. 0122 38291
Azienda biologica Occitania
Mattie (TO), via La Losa 2 - Tel. 349 4688853 - 349 5872025
FB: Occitania Valsusa
Azienda agricola montana Monte Agri Bio di Montesini Silvio
Borgata Grangia dell’Alpe, 10053 Bussoleno (TO) - Tel. 338 7642622
FB: Monte Agri Bio
Instagram: MonteAgriBio_Silvio
Azienda Agricola Agrinova
Produzione di piccoli frutti, ortaggi, confetture, miele, vino, genepì
Via Foresto 17, 10059 Susa - Tel. 392 3503493
FB: Agrinova
Instagram: @az_agrinova
X: @az_agrinova
Azienda Agricola “Apis in fabula” di Ciminelli Chiara
Borgo Cattero 4 - Sant'Antonino di Susa (TO) - Tel. 348 5506390
Associazione apicoltori Alta Valle di Susa
Via Monginevro 35 - Oulx (TO) - Tel. 0122 831252
Presso Unione Montana Alta valle di Susa
Apicoltura Barbangelo Luca
Via Roma 22 - Salbertrand (TO) - Tel. 331 6888418
FB: apibarbangelo
Apicoltura Cirone Guido
Via Principale 21 - Borgata Chateau - Oulx (TO) - Tel. 340 2976203
Apicoltura Coletto Davide
Via Europa 87 - Gravere (TO) - Tel. 348 5184306
Apicoltura Francois Luciano
Borgata Amazas 1 - Oulx (TO) - Tel. 338 8674316
Apicoltura Reymond Giovanni
Via R. Ghiotti 56 - Oulx (TO) - Tel. 338 6993221
"Il miele del forte" di Lambert Renata
Borgata San Colombano, Exilles (TO) - Tel. 333 7419467
Azienda agricola Granja Farm di Barbich Luca
Località Courbaval, Chiomonte (TO) - Tel. 342 0282715
Azienda agricola ‘L Garbin di Croce Andrea
Via dell’Avanà 1 Località Signou, Chiomonte (TO) - Tel. 333 5965510
Azienda Agricola Il Girasole
Borgata Les Arnauds 4, Bardonecchia (TO) - Tel. 333 9337985
Consorzio Apicoltori di Pragelato
c/o Presidente pro tempore Luca Audibert - Tel. 348 00 84355
Friquet Alberto
Via Allevé 30, Pragelato (TO) - Tel. 338 2509516