Ultimo aggiornamento: March 26, 2024
It is the precious and delicious autumn fruit, the noble brother of the chestnut.
It is cultivated with ancient and traditional cultivation techniques in one of the most suitable areas for chestnut growing in Italy and in the world: the lower and middle Susa Valley, in the province of Turin.
The Marroni della Val di Susa are large in size (one kilo of product has a maximum of 85 fruits), ellipsoidal shape, havana brown color with darker streaks.
The fruit is whole without septations with a light yellow sweet paste. Chestnuts are eaten boiled or roasted on the grill (to obtain the so-called roasted chestnuts) but, thanks to their regular shape and the ease with which they peel, they are highly appreciated in pastry making, in particular for the preparation of "marron glacè".
Since 2007, the Marrone della Valle di Susa has obtained the Protected Geographical Indication.
Cooperativa La Maruna S.C.C.A.R.L
Villar Focchiardo (TO), via Conte Carroccio 30 - 345 7776982
Apicoltura “les Avies” di Miletto Federico
Via Aghetti 21 - Mattie (TO) - 0122 38291
Facebook: Azienda agricola Les Avies
Azienda agricola Ametlier di Elisa Davì
Average production of 30 quintals of chestnuts, coming from traditional chestnut groves located in the municipalities of San Giorio, Mattie, Bruzolo. Harvested mainly by hand. Sale of fresh product in nets. Sale of dried product, through cold processing in 48 hours, peeling and packaging in our own laboratory. Processing of the dried product to obtain flour.
Via Torino 26, 10053 Bussoleno (TO) - 338 7483116
Facebook: Az. agr. Ametlier