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Requalification of the Chisone River in Val Troncea

Sunday 06 October 2024
Waters of the Chisone River in Val Troncea

Waters of the Chisone River in Val Troncea

Pragelato - Sunday, October 6 at 5:00 PM, at the headquarters of the Val Troncea Nature Park, on Via della Pineta, Frazione La Ruà, a meeting with the local community will be held to present the project funded by the "FESR Call of the Piedmont Region - Sector for Protection and Sustainable Use of Water". After welcoming remarks by the Municipality and the Park Authority, the redevelopment project for the Chisone in Val Troncea will be presented.

Also participating, alongside the Park and the Municipality, will be the Italian Center for River Redevelopment - CIRF.
The project presentation will be conducted by the designers from the Mountain-eering Engineering Studio in Bolzano.

For information: tel. 0122.78849