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"Promenade" to the sound of the violin: D'Amou to d'Aval

Thursday 18 July 2024
Visita guidata alla Cappella dell\u0027Annunciazione dell\u0027Oulme

Visita guidata alla Cappella dell'Annunciazione dell'Oulme

Take a walk from D’Amou to d’Aval walking along the village of Salbertrand from the upper part to the lower part of the hamlet.

Musical walk with Enrico Pascal on the violin and Agnes Dijaux from the French Language Desk of Chambra d'Oc, who will tell a few pages of Salbertrand's history in French.

We invite lovers of Occitan dances to animate the day, but also people interested in listening.

The meeting point is in front of the Chapel of Oulme, in Via Luigi Gros, at 4:00 PM.

For those who wish, at 7:00 PM there will be the opportunity to book an aperitif at the Bottega at the agreed price of €12 per drink with snack (reservations will be made at the start of the walk).