Home / Interest points / Shelter Lago delle Rane

Opening period

Open 12 months a year:
Open every weekend, weekday opening by appointment

In the charming mountain setting of Pian dell’Alpe (1950 meters above sea level), in the heart of the Orsiera Rocciavrè Natural Park, the Rifugio Lago delle Rane offers a welcoming with informal elegance, with warm and reassuring atmospheres immersed in nature, for a break from thoughts and hectic rhythms.


How to reach the refuge:

CAR: from Turin, reach Pinerolo, continue along SS23 of Val Chisone towards Sestriere. After the town of Fenestrelle, turn towards Usseaux until Balboutet and then continue on to Pian dell’Alpe.

ON FOOT: from Balboutet, walking time approximately 1 hour.

TRAIN: to Pinerolo.

BUS: SADEM Line Pinerolo-Sestriere.


Overnight stay Overnight stay
Breakfast Breakfast
Catering Catering
Parking Parking
Disabled access Disabled access
Electricity Electricity