Home / Faggeta


Ultimo aggiornamento: March 14, 2024

The Beech (Fagus sylvatica) is a deciduous broadleaf tree that can reach considerable sizes; its bark is grey, smooth and compact; the leaves are elliptical, with crenate margin and characteristic shiny appearance.

The Beech is a demanding plant, which does not tolerate deficiencies or excesses of heat, water, and light; it does not tolerate temperature fluctuations and requires a constant, but not excessive, availability of water, as well as cool and deep soils. The Beech forest grows where these conditions are found, usually between 900 and 1500 meters in altitude, descending further only where persistent fog ensures sufficient humidity; there can be "pure" forests, composed solely of Beech trees, or "mixed" forests, interspersed with a high number of other tree species, especially White Fir or Larch.

The Beech (Fagus sylvatica) is a deciduous broadleaf tree that can reach considerable sizes; its bark is gray, smooth, and compact; the leaves are elliptical, with a crenate margin and a characteristic glossy appearance.

Beech is a demanding plant, which cannot tolerate deficiencies or excesses of temperature, water, and light; it does not tolerate temperature fluctuations and requires a constant, but not excessive, availability of water, as well as fresh and deep soils.
The Beech forest grows where these conditions are found, usually from 900 to 1500 meters above sea level, descending lower only where the stagnation of fog ensures sufficient humidity; there can be "pure" forests, composed of only Beeches, or "mixed", interspersed with a high number of other tree species, especially White Fir or Larch.

All'interno della faggeta si incontrano a volte delle macchie di piante pioniere come Betulla (Betula pendula), Pioppo tremolo (Populus tremula), Nocciolo (Corylus avellana) e Maggiociondolo (Laburnum alpinum), che colonizzano le aree disboscate.
Sul suolo ricoperto da uno spesso strato di humus e da foglie morte spuntano l'Acetosella (Oxalis acetosella), l'Hepatica nobilis, i Gerani (Geranium nodosum) e la Lattuga montana (Prenanthes purpurea). Molte erbe del sottobosco hanno una lamina fogliare tondeggiante o con una superficie pittosto ampia, tenuta parallela alla superficie del suolo per poter sfruttare al meglio la poca luce solare che filtra attraverso la fitta chioma dei Faggi.

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