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Trail accessibility information

Sept. 20, 2024

Following the flood events that occurred on September 5 involving the basin of Rio Gerardo and all its tributaries in the upper part of the valley, issues are detected on the accessibility of the trails leading to Rifugio Toesca on the Valsusa side of the Orsiera Rocciavrè Natural Park. These are the affected trails:

- Trail TOS510 towards Balmerotto and then Colle del Sabbione;

- Trail TOS511 from Alpe di Mezzo to Porta del Villano is particularly compromised;

- Trail TOS519 from Rifugio Toesca towards Porta del Chiot;

- Trail TOS517 from Alpe di Mezzo towards Colle Aciano.

The trails have been altered by the passage of streams and the exceptional deposit of debris, resulting in some small to medium landslides compromising the crossings.

It is therefore advised not to use these trails unless absolutely necessary, being aware of their danger and assuming personal responsibility.