Home / News / Regulation of the Colle delle Finestre road for a forest construction site

Regulation of the Colle delle Finestre road for a forest construction site

Aug. 5, 2024

On the Provincial Road 172 of Colle delle Finestre, from July 29 to September 15, in the municipality of Usseaux starting from the Serre Marie bend and for 600 meters towards Colle delle Finestre, a forestry site is under construction for the felling of a wooded lot.

The identification of the work area is planned with the establishment of one-way alternating traffic regulated by flagmen, as well as the establishment of a speed limit of 30 km/h and a prohibition of overtaking and stopping, with possible temporary interruptions of traffic during working hours from 8:00 to 18:00.


download Ordinanza Città Metropolitana di regolamentazione SP 172 Ordinanza di regolamentazione della circolazione stradale e l’individuazione dell’area a cantiere. Taglio di lotto boschivo per realizzazione focatici in catasta in località Serre Marie 136.4 KB