Ultimo aggiornamento: June 10, 2024
The organization's webgis was developed as part of the Alpi Cozie Outdoor project and represents an additional tool for accessing territorial context data.
The webgis platform manages the Geodatabase Alpi Cozie, which is a territorial database providing "informative" data for other existing or under-development web and mobile components (webgis, websites, mobile apps).
The content is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution license.
The Alpi Cozie Outdoor project was coordinated by the Ente di gestione delle Aree Protette delle Alpi Cozie in network with Unione montana Comuni Olimpici Via Lattea, Unione montana Alta Valle Susa, Unione montana del Pinerolese, and the Municipality of Coazze, realized in collaboration with Città Metropolitana di Torino, Municipality of Giaveno, Municipality of Valgioie, Consorzio Forestale Alta Valle Susa, IPLA Institute for Timber Plants and the Environment, Fondazione Centro Culturale Valdese, Centro Culturale Diocesano di Susa, G.A.L. Escartons e Valli Valdesi s.r.l., Turismo Torino e Provincia, CAI of Coazze and Giaveno, in synergy with Piemonte Outdoor - Regione Piemonte.
It is implemented with the financial support of the Rural Development Program 2014-2020 of the Regione Piemonte - measure 7. submeasure 7.5. operation 7.5.1 - Tourist-recreational infrastructure and tourist information.