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Natura 2000 network

Ultimo aggiornamento: July 29, 2024

The Natura 2000 Network is a system of areas subject to particular protection distributed throughout the territory of the European Union created to guarantee the maintenance of natural habitats, threatened or rare flora and fauna species and biodiversity as a whole.

The regulatory sources of the Natura 2000 Network are the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), and the Birds Directive (79/409/EEC, later repealed and replaced by Directive 2009/147/EEC), implemented in Italy respectively with the Presidential Decree 357/97 and with Law 157/92 and subsequent amendments.

In implementation of community provisions, the Piedmont Region has confirmed its commitment to the conservation of biodiversity, already developed since the 1980s with its own system of protected areas, identifying further areas worthy of protection as they host habitats and flora and fauna species of community interest (or included in the annexes of the Directives).

Impact Assessment Procedure

All Plans, Programs, Projects, Interventions, or Activities including events and events, that fall entirely or partially within a Natura 2000 Site or that could have indirect impacts on it must undergo an Incidence Assessment (VIncA).

To learn more, consult the section dedicated to the Incidence Assessment Procedure for Natura 2000 Network Sites managed by the Protected Areas Management Authority of the Cottian Alps

Natura 2000 Network

Belonging to the Natura 2000 network:

  • Sites of Community Importance (S.I.C.), identified in accordance with the provisions of the Habitat Directive;
  • Special Areas of Conservation (Z.S.C.), corresponding to S.I.C. for which regions have prepared specific Conservation Measures for the site and species and have been designated as such by ministerial decree, in agreement with the respective region;
  • Special Protection Areas (Z.P.S.), established in accordance with the aforementioned Birds Directive.

By Regional Law no. 19/2009 "Consolidated Text on the Protection of Natural Areas and Biodiversity," the Piedmont Region has established its own Regional Ecology Network and regulated, in addition to the system of protected areas (Title I and II, LR 19/09), also the Natura 2000 Network (Title III), as defined above.

In identifying the S.I.C. (a process started in the mid-1990s), the Piedmont Region obviously took into account its existing Protected Areas (i.e., actual parks).

The Management Body of the Protected Areas of the Cozie Alps manages the following Natura 2000 Sites:

IT1110006 Orsiera Rocciavre' SIC → ZSC - ZPS  PDF sheet PNG map Area 10,955 ha

(source The Natura 2000 Network in Piedmont, Sites of Community Importance, Piedmont Region, ISBN 978-88-904283-0-2, 2009)

For further information:

Management Plans

Su direttiva regionale, se ritenuto necessario, i soggetti gestori di Aree Rete Natura 2000 predispongono il relativo Piano di gestione redatto in conformità alle Misure di conservazione sito specifiche (MCSS) dell'Area.

Piani di gestione approvati (link esterno)

IT1110007 – Piano di Gestione del Sito IT1110007 – Laghi di Avigliana
DGR 54-6160 del 15-12-2017 (pdf)
Testi (pdf)
Allegati (zip)

IT1110031 - Piano di gestione del sito IT1110031 – Valle Thuras
DGR 21-6770 del 20-04-2018 (pdf)
Testi (pdf)
Allegati (zip)
Cartografia 1 (zip)
Cartografia 2 (zip)
Misure di conservazione (zip)

Conservation measures in Piedmont


The Regional Government establishes the Conservation Measures (external link) necessary to prevent the degradation of natural habitats and the disturbance of species in the Natura 2000 network sites.


The Conservation Measures are complemented by Site-Specific Conservation Measures (MCSS) approved for each individual Special Conservation Area - ZSC.
Below are the MCSS of the Natura 2000 Areas managed by the Protected Areas of the Cozie Alps:

IT1110006 - Site-Specific Conservation Measures for Site IT1110006 – Orsiera
DGR 7-4703 dated 27-2-2017 (pdf)
Text (zip)

IT1110053 - Site-Specific Conservation Measures for Site IT1110053 – Valle della Ripa
DGR 19-3112 dated 4-4-2016 (pdf)
Text (zip)

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