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New Naturalistic and Management Plans

Oct. 17, 2024

The Management Authority of the protected areas of the Cozie Alps has completed the Naturalistic Planning process provided for by Regional Law 19/2009, art. 27 and 42 concerning the territories included in the Natural Park and SCI IT1110006 Orsiera Rocciavré, in the Natural Park and SCI IT1110010 Gran Bosco di Salbertrand, and in the SCI IT 1110039 Rocciamelone.

This is the result of very challenging work that provides important and detailed added value in terms of knowledge of the species and habitats present within the boundaries of these protected areas. A fundamental operational tool at the basis of any management activity, the implementation of which was financed with funds from the PSR measure 712, 2014-2020 programming.

On 29/09/2024, the Council of the Authority adopted the preliminary plans by resolution no. 35 in order to initiate, in compliance with Regional Law no. 19/2009, the public consultation procedure reserved for the following subjects:
-       Local Authorities territorially involved;
-       Category associations, i.e., agricultural, hunting, and environmental protection associations recognized by the Ministry of Environment and Protection of Land and Sea;
-       Alpine Districts and Territorial Hunting Areas territorially involved.

The documentation is available at the following link https://www.parchialpicozie.it/it/p/pianificazione-e-governo-del-territorio/

Comments from eligible parties can be submitted by Monday, November 4. Following this, the Plans will be submitted to the Regional Council for final approval.